"Jangan suka mengutuk anak orang, nanti dapat balasan, anak sendiri yang tak betul"
Oppss....! Sorry. Story has been deleted.
Nak cerita panjang-panjang pun tak guna. Aku letak posting suruh ambil iktibar, si Mr Observer ni pulak tuduh aku macam-macam pulak. Ko tanggung la dosa bebanyak. Kulit badan ko kan kalis api...
MORAL OF THE STORY for the one who claimed that he deeply reviewed my blog:
Parents must be very sad and disappointed if they came to know that their children are treated badly by other people outside the family.
Saiz huruf ni aku kena besarkan sikit, sebab ada orang tak mampu berpikir untuk menilai apa mesej disebalik cerita yang aku sampaikan. Hampeh betul...
Doa orang yang teraniaya itu makbul...
I believe what goes round, comes round. Balasan tetap ada untuk setiap perbuatan. Be nice to other people, we'll be happy. Live a moderate life and be grateful with what we have, God has made everything beautifully and sufficient for us in many ways. We just have to open our eyes and say "Alhamdulillah..."
very good story(or maybe lbh tept experience). de gk org cm2 ek? ingt dlm cite2 zaman dlu je. erm,,,nwy 2la buruknye ble ckp bsrkn,at the end mkn dri sndri.nauzubillah,,,arap2 jauh la.actually same story im heard from my close friend. tp kire ok gk dpt petunjk skrg,smoga yg berkenaan 2dpt sdr ksilpn die.as human mmg xkn tleps dr mlkukn ksilapn,so sesma la kte doakn ksjhteraan kite n sedra2 seislam kte dunia, akhrt...dh akhr2 zamn ni mmg mcm2 bnde2 burk berlaku,sng lupe dri,imn dh xsekuat Abu Bakar As-siddiq sbb dh xyakin pd yg ghaib,nmpk yg dpn mate je. keindhn budi n smgt juang dh xseindh n sekuat umar al-khatab sbb hati dh xsejernih air yg mglir....hasad,dengki n sgla mcm pnykt hati dh mguasai dri.penyebab kpda kemusnhn dri sendri.menghapuskan kebaikan umpama air memadmkn api...dunia i2 nmpk indh,tp tidk sekli2 menenangkan,penuh dgn sgla mcm tipu dya n helah.smkin dkejar,smkn jauh ia berlari.
ReplyDeleteops,dh kul 1.esk de progrm awl pg.so smpai dcni je coretan yg xbrpe nk sdp ni. pepn thanks 4d sharing.
Assalammualaikum... =)
Asura, thanks for your thought. Indeed, we need to be very careful nowadays. Remember, we share the earth with other people. Be nice and you'll be happy too!